Portland's luxury flats with that Olympic view

 I found this older picture of the old naval flats.... before the revamp into luxury apartments for private sale, and boy do they look drab and ugly?

Most of us locals felt they should have been pulled down as was the original plan, the navy only intended them to be up for ten years, then replaced with something much more fitting to the area that benefits the locals.

Thankfully the new look after the revamp is a huge improvement and looks much better being white, although they are more likely to be sold to non locals as a holiday home which is a shame.

I felt personally they should have made it into a 4 or 5 star hotel, overlooking the marina it could have been a good addition to the island and boost the little tourism we do get here, at least add to those coming for the sailing and windsurfing.

There's going to be some great views from this building in the 2012 Olympics.

At least the buildings are better...
Nevertheless, looking at this drab picture anything was an improvement.

1 comment:

  1. sylv webster13.11.09

    I agree, a hotel would have been betteras it would have been in use all year round. Out of townies will probably buy up these so-called luxury apartments and use them for a handful of weeks of the year and then sell on once the Olympics are over and done with. A hotel would have attracted more holiday makers who would have maybe ventured up on to the top of the Island whereas most Olympic viewers will probably make it to the Sailing Academy or these apartments and say they have been to Portland, whereas there is much more to Portland than the 'Olympic' harbour. Weymouth will take the honours anyway - sad but, I feel, true.
