If you have a local business on Portland or near or relevant to Portland here in Dorset I offer the opportunity for you to take advantage of advertising your business here on Portland-bill whether you have a website or not.
It is not so important that you have a website to link to, having your contact details would be beneficial, although, should you have a website then all the better.
If you have no website or web-presence I can help there at a great rate too if required, please contact me if so, using the email address at the bottom.
Why advertise here anyway?
The biggest and main reason would be because it is a targeted website, it is targeted to Portland Bill and Portlanders too, that itself makes it a good platform to reach local people and possibly others searching for information on Portland Bill, holiday makers for a good example and this blog gets daily visitors which also spikes upward when a new post is published. It also has a facebook fan page where each new post is also shared when published, it has also a healthy number of subscribers as seen on the sidebar.
Are you already utilising the internet to advertise your business?
Most are not doing it to the best they could be online, offline ads most seem to have covered and yet...
Offline advertising is costly and much harder to track results with, you can never be certain of the lead offline as you can online, just because that person phoning you say's they saw it a newspaper, yellow pages, doesn't mean they actually did, you get their word for it.
Not only is it costly, it's also hard to track and test for any improvement in real time and as accurately as one change a time, it's those small changes that make the big change
Get advertising like no where else locally.
Yet here it's not just an advertisement.
The different ways the advertisement can be done matters, especially on a website or blog and for many reasons, not all ads, or indeed, links are the same and the negatives and benefits of each way varies.
I think advertisers could get a better deal to help them, which turn also helps me with this websites running cost.
Instead of just offering a basic ad spot, I'd like to offer a variety of advertising offers for you to choose from and for what would best suit your business, it all really depends on your business.
The variety is also ranging in "link juice", this means the search engines "weight" passed through the link itself to your website, for example, a link written in a post itself passes more juice than a link in the sidebar.
It matters because they are "backlinks" and they are important, again all backlinks are different but backlinks (links from other sites/blogs to yours) are an important.
Also another point is the relevancy of the link, for a crude example...a New York based dog website is not going to be as relevant as a Portland bill based dog website when linked to from this website.
So a written post with a link to your website is the best option if possible and relevant.
What's the options.
I have not just decided to offer several options on where the advertisement is done, but also decided to offer the chance of monthly ads, three month ads, 6 month ads, and yearly ads as standalone advertisement, either on the (TOP of the) sidebar, (in a 125x125 box or 250x250 sized box) and above the post title below the "navigator bar" where these pages are, in a wide bar. (roughly 728x80)
I will also offer a well written post of an average 400 - 500 words, and image if requested, with a link back to your website or contact page if you have one, I will also link to the same post promoting your business in a future post or two, especially if it is very relevant to the (being written) post.
I also have an accommodation page which is linked to on the sidebar on every post and page on the site.
Bearing in mind links and such are shown first come first served if wanting the same spots, that is as near to the top as possible.
I have not added prices as I feel I would rather not have a blanket price and set up, one fit's all style, I would much prefer to deal with each and every one stand alone depending on their needs.
What's next?
Should you like the sound of any offer for helping your business the best way I can be contacted is by email.and this also ensures a speedy response.
Email me by sending to deafdad+portlandbill @ gmail.com (remove spaces before and after @) and we can arrange what would suit your business best and also prices, and anything else I can help you with. :o)
Instead of just offering a basic ad spot, I'd like to offer a variety of advertising offers for you to choose from and for what would best suit your business, it all really depends on your business.
The variety is also ranging in "link juice", this means the search engines "weight" passed through the link itself to your website, for example, a link written in a post itself passes more juice than a link in the sidebar.
It matters because they are "backlinks" and they are important, again all backlinks are different but backlinks (links from other sites/blogs to yours) are an important.
Also another point is the relevancy of the link, for a crude example...a New York based dog website is not going to be as relevant as a Portland bill based dog website when linked to from this website.
So a written post with a link to your website is the best option if possible and relevant.
What's the options.
I have not just decided to offer several options on where the advertisement is done, but also decided to offer the chance of monthly ads, three month ads, 6 month ads, and yearly ads as standalone advertisement, either on the (TOP of the) sidebar, (in a 125x125 box or 250x250 sized box) and above the post title below the "navigator bar" where these pages are, in a wide bar. (roughly 728x80)
I will also offer a well written post of an average 400 - 500 words, and image if requested, with a link back to your website or contact page if you have one, I will also link to the same post promoting your business in a future post or two, especially if it is very relevant to the (being written) post.
I also have an accommodation page which is linked to on the sidebar on every post and page on the site.
Bearing in mind links and such are shown first come first served if wanting the same spots, that is as near to the top as possible.
I have not added prices as I feel I would rather not have a blanket price and set up, one fit's all style, I would much prefer to deal with each and every one stand alone depending on their needs.
What's next?
Should you like the sound of any offer for helping your business the best way I can be contacted is by email.and this also ensures a speedy response.
Email me by sending to deafdad+portlandbill @ gmail.com (remove spaces before and after @) and we can arrange what would suit your business best and also prices, and anything else I can help you with. :o)