Blogs would be different without them and I welcome comments from you all, well almost all, only one kind of commenter will get deleted from here...spammers and those who post purely for the sake of a link, which is useless as links in comments are not live...the only live link is the name link, not very good really when it leads to nothing, because that is what you get out of it, nothing.
I would never consider turning the comments off simply because I value each of the thoughtful legitimate comments you share here, your input is what makes this blog worth doing.
Spamming does not work, the very nature of it is why!
Be genuine, add to the conversation.
When you are genuine there is a far more likely chance someone else will like what you say and check your link out, if that leads to checking your own blog out, great, that is part of the blogosphere, how it grows and evolves.
It's how we meet new bloggers and find interesting new blogs to read.
Ironic that doing this leads to the opposite of spammers actions!
Blogs are and should be a two way street.
You comment the right kind of way and I'll check your blog out, it's likely others will too if they like the comment you leave and this is the right way for your traffic to grow.
It also encourages others to comment too.
Without you commenting this blog becomes a one point view and that I'd rather not see.
Be sure that
I have now added intense debate, a better comment platform due to bloggers being terrible...with the new platform you also see that there is a commentluv addition, before leaving this page, you could get your commentluv account now and then add your blog, then add your comment blow this post, ot another on this blog and it will add your blog's latest post, see more on the commentluv post.
Thank you for your support.