Portland says N.O.P.E to palm oil energy loud and clear

Portlanders made a great turn out regarding the N.O.P.E march, as seen here on the ITV Local news and it looks to be 3 to 400 people there which can't be ignored, the message is loud and clear... in case it's not, again...Palm oil energy plant? WE DON'T WANT IT!

The walk started at the top of Portland near the heights hotel and memorial seen above, taking the route down the the bottom of the island (known as underhill) as seen below, trekking down "new road" towards the gates of Portland port, the old naval base gates.

Pictures with thanks to N.O.P.E on facebook.

I couldn't be there myself , having the flu and not really wanting to share it with everyone, any generosity I have stops there, happy to say.

It was important for us to make our thoughts known and I am sure everyone did a great job of that.
It will be interesting to how much notice they take of us all, looking at the recent mess and lies with those homes in officers field, I'd say not alot.

It's all good and well being or going green, but it has to make sense and be worth it, this clearly is neither.

Please share this post where you can... or thoughts below, or both


  1. Anonymous1.3.10

    Hi , I was on the march , very refreshing to see so many people standing up against the completely balmy / palmy Oil decision by the council.Lets hope more and more people join the campaign against this blind idiotic no-brainer proposal to pollute the green ,future oilympic site at Portland cheers Bill

  2. Hi Bill,

    Glad you could make it there, I was ill, terrible state really, ah well, at least everyone else give them the message loud and clear.

    Lets hope the council don't do their normal stuff...ignore us!

    They have no respect for us on portland.


  3. Anonymous26.4.10

    See you on May 1st
    Tim, Dorset Socialists

  4. Would a refinery its link with deforestation and the proximity of UNESCO Jurassic Coast be something that is inappropriate and something that would adversely affect the wider local and global settings.

  5. It is inappropriate, full stop, we don't want it at all.
