Portland Bill gets another updated look, here, that is!

Portland's underhill, as it's known shown in the early part of last century, looking on this side of the hillside it seems not that much has changed, but just slightly out of shot going around the hill it was all fields...

It's only as you move to the left here from the focus point you start to see the houses there now as seen below on the top of the grassy part...

Times change, things move forward, like with everything else... just as with this blog needing updating although it was not that long ago I changed the look... 

The main reason for doing this is to take advantage of bloggers new template designer, which also means I can try out whatever else they are to change, release, knowing it won't break the template itself.
The old one, as I have done with most of my blogs, was a modified template created by someone else, it was not possible to use with the recent releases.

I have also been told it looks better on a mobile device too, which is great, now you can read this as and when I update it, anywhere. 

I hope the new look is ok, what the readers think is what matters, so your opinions count. 

It looks like more will be released this year from blogger so I may as well take advantage of what could improve the blog for you, the readers, to that I have to be aware of it.

I have also added a few pages, still have a few to sort out, you can see these in the "bar" above, under the header image, standalone pages which I feel ads something to a blog, it makes it less like it's "just" a blog.

I will also be adding links to the sidebar that you have, I know a few of you locals are blogging now, so it will also help other people who read this find you, I do not expect you to add this blogs link to your blog sidebar, I will link to said blogs regardless... 

Should you want to add this blog to your links, blogroll, then I do appreciate it and would also appreciate you using the anchor text Portland Bill ... like so. Portland Bill 

If you find I have linked to your blog or site, and would prefer me using the "anchor text" (what the word reads as IE above is "Portland bill") ... anchor linking is important, then do let me know. 

I would be interested to hear what you think of the layout, if anything would be better done differently, or anything bothers you, confuses you and welcome all comments...

What are your thoughts?
Top pic credit to FPN 

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