Atmospheric yet beautiful sunset on the beach

Beautiful sunsets on the beach!
Beautiful sunsets on the beach here at Portland.

During the recent atmospheric dust fallout from the volcano we did have some pretty strange yet stunning sunsets like this one here on Chesil beach.
A shade of colour I have rarely seen.

This was taken from the old Police station above the park on the night of the Portland spring fair.
The sky was completely clear of clouds.

You can see the scale of this if you notice the couple talking a stroll along the pebbles to the left of the sun ray on the sea.

The picture below was taken just another ten minutes later, the dark band that seems to show itself here must be the dust high in the atmosphere, it looked a far bigger band once the sun started to really go down.
Chesil beach under a red sunset!

The sun did seem to cut through it in the first picture so it was, much thinner.

The picture itself doesn't really capture just how red the sun looked, and how much that dark band along the horizon really stood out against the sky.

Thankfully we here in the south UK didn't get too effected by that dust fallout and it could have been so much worse.

Normally there would be some sun ray's shooting across the sky coming from this sort of view point, but nothing, just a big haze.

On the bottom picture even the sea took on some strange hues, slightly green, blue, and a couple of purple tints which were brighter to the naked eye.

A very strange, very different view than we normally see here on this beautiful beach.

How did it effect your views?